Research project: Medieval Archaeology of the Far East
Research Program: “ The material culture of the Far Eastern population in the Middle Ages”
The Program is being developed based on the framework of fundamental research on : “History and Archaeology of the Far East in ancient and medieval times” and it is considered to be the important part of it. The staff explores the material culture of such medieval states as Bohai, Qin and Eastern Xia (Sia) and also develops cultural interaction problems of urban civilizations of the Far East. Researchers of the department aim at the solving of fundamental problem of archaeology – the study of patterns of cultural development of the medieval population in the Far East.
Archaeological researchers have been conducting medieval monuments in Primorye for many decades and due to their investigations two archaeological cultures were discovered: the state Bohai (698-926 AD ) and the empire Qin (1115-1234 AD). They clarified the reasons of emergence of mountain settlements and their characteristic features connected with the formation of new state East Xia (1215-1233 AD), developed basic criteria of dating of all archaeological discoveries relating to the medieval monuments . The first stage of research resulted in publishing of collected monographs by A.P.Osadnikov, M.V. Vorobyev, V.E. Shavkunov increasing the interest to more specific studies. Then in – depth researches were being conducted based on the outcomes of extensive archaeological excavations taken place in Primorye. One should mention the works of E.V. Shevkunov, V.D.Lenkov,V.E. Medvedev, S.M.Tupikina,V.E. Shavkunov,V.I.Boldin,L.V.Konkova, E.I. Gelman, N.G.Artemyeva.
Far-Eastern Archaeology has entered the new period of studying medieval states of the Far East as comprehensive archaeological material collected over the last decade triggered for developing profound research of specific projects outlining economics and cultural ties of Bohai state, the Empire Qin and Eastern Xia State.
There is also a great need in publication of researches of certain monuments in the form of “ Archaeological Chronicles”
This project is also of vital importance as at present moment it is necessary to prepare not only collecteed issues on the archaeology of the region, but also introduce archaeological data on long-term monuments studies to scientificworld as well as in depth exploration of particular themes.
Scientific targets
Chronological period – VII – XIII centuries
Territory: Primorsky Krai and neighboring areas
The main aspects of work:
The study of material culture of the population of the Far East in the Middle Ages ( VII – XIII centuries): classification, date identification, the origins, formation and cross-cultural communications. Reconstruction of medieval technologies and industries. Renewal of history of Bohai State, Qin Empire and Eastern Xia State based on archaeological material and written resources.
The Department is structurally divided into two research groups united by common project and mutual interests:
The program is planned to continue archaeological research of Bohai monuments:
Kraskinskoye settlement, Nikolaevskoye -1 site. Search for time and local differences of cultures by clarifying the boundaries of Bohai State, definition of Bohai culture by studying new archaeological sites and finding out criteria to the material culture of Bohai.
The goal of area studies: highlighting of archaeology and history of inhabitants of the south territory of the Russian Far East before during and after the demise of the state.
The program comprises the following fields of study:
According to the project the main archaeological researches are traditionally focuses on such monuments as Shaiginskoye, Krasoyarovskoye, Uzhno-Ussuriyskoye, Nokolaevskoye, Ekaterinovskoye, Novonezhinskoye, Ananyevskoye and Stogovskoye settlements. Comprehensive approach to their study based on the usage of the data of related disciplines that will help to give new definitions to the structure of the urban population and new characteristic to the development of crafts, homebuilding, fortification and cultural ties of both centers.
The attention should be also paid to the study of valley settlements, small fortresses, redoubts, sites referring to Yuan and post-medieval periods.