Welcome to the official Internet site of the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnology of the Peoples of the Far-East, Far- Eastern Branch of the RAS (IHAE FEBRAS).
Dear Colleagues, We would like to invite you to take part in the special section of the journal “Russia and the Asia-Pacific Region” (No. 3, 2022) devoted to the final stage of the Civil War in Russia.
The Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnology of the Peoples of the Far East FEB RAS jointly with Vladimir K. Arseniev Museum of Far East History, the Pacific Institute of Geography FEB RAS and the Society for the Study of the Amur Region (Primorsky Krai Branch of the Russian Geographical Society) invites you to take part in an international conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of famous scholar Vladimir Klavdievich Arseniev birth. It will take place on September 12-15, 2022. Read more…
The Plenary Session of the International Academic Conference ‘Historical and Contemporary Trends in the Development of Relations between Russia and Mongolia: Nearing the 100th Anniversary’ was held in the Eastern Economic Forum on the 2nd of September. Read more…
Preliminary idea of the research appeared after Donald Trump’s electoral victory in November 2016. The transition had been supplemented by intensive growth of facts interpretation influence on U.S. policy and anyone’s political strategy.
Dear Colleagues,
All participants should REGISTER (https://forms.gle/yT8BUXoBbKCsnt9u9 ) in order to have access to online Conference The Russian Far East and Transnational Perspectives (19th-20th cent.)
On March 28-31, 2021, an international conference “The Russian Far East: Regional and transnational perspectives (19th-21st cent.)” will be held (online) Read more…
On October 20-21, 2020, the Institute of History, Archeology and ethnology, FEB RAS has held the 17th All-Russia Young Scientists Online Conference with International Participation “The Far East in Global and Local Historical Trends”. The conference was organized by the Council of Young Scientists with the support of the Institute’s Administration. Read more…
On October 10 the XXI Far Eastern book Exhibition-Fair “Printing House” – 2020 has summed up the results. The book forum has been held since 1997 and presented more than 450 far eastern companies. Every year experts award to «The Best books» of the region in 28 nominations. Read more…
FEB RAS YouTube channel presents a cycle of lectures “Archaeology of the Nomadic Empires” (in Russian) by Professor Nikolay N. Kradin, the Director of the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography FEB RAS, Corresponding Member of the RAS. Read more…
On September 14–20 2020, the VII International Scientific Conference “Sakhalin Island” by A.P. Chekhov in the 21st Century” was held, dedicated to the 160th anniversary of the birth of A.P. Chekhov, the 130th anniversary of his trip to Sakhalin and the 125th anniversary of the publication of his book “Sakhalin Island” as a separate edition. Read more…
On 12-14 September 2020, Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and Engagement (NIICE), an Independent Think Tank based in Nepal will host the International Young Scholars Summit – 2020. This Summit is a gathering between 50 to 120 young people from around the world to come together to discuss, find solutions, share best practices and develop innovative projects on youth empowerment, conflict transformation and Peacebuilding. The webinar will be live on Youtube.
On 8 September 2020, in Vladivostok, the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East FEB RAS and the Russian Historical Society held, the International Scientific Conference «75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War and World War II: Lessons from History and the Present»
Throughout its history the Russian Far East has had many faces. It was a springboard to the Pacific for the Tsarist empire, a global hub to-be, a magnet for migrants and a sealed-off, militarized borderland. Read more…
The Interview by N.N. Goryachev, Junior Research Fellow of the Laboratory of Situation Analysis to the Vladnews Agency: https://vladnews.ru/2019-09-24/159370/primorskiy_uchnyy
On September 17-18, 2019, the All-Russian Scientific Conference “Border Conflicts and Cross-Border Cooperation in Historical Retrospective. 17th – 20th Centuries. (The 9th Krushanov Readings)” was held at the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, FEB RAS. Read more…
On September 16-21, 2019, as a part of the 100th anniversary of academic archaeology, the 4th International Congress of Medieval Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppe “Nomadic Empires of Eurasia in Terms of Archaeological and Interdisciplinary Studies” was conducted at the Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the RAS in Ulan-Ude. One of the organizers – the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, FEB RAS.
How much money was spent on the construction of the Vladivostok Fortress? Is it true that the Fortress didn’t fire any shot? Who managed to make money on the construction of the fortifications and what corrupt practices were used? Roman Avilov, PhD, Senior Research Fellow of the Department of History of the Russian Far East of the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Peoples of the Far East, FEB RAS spoke on the radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda – Primorye” about the secrets of the famous monument of Vladivostok military architecture – the Vladivostok Fortress. Read and listen more: https://www.dv.kp.ru/radio/27032.7/4095378/
International studies of the archaeological group of the sector of the early mediaeval archaeology at the Kraskinskoye Settlement in the Khasansky District of the Primorye Region led by E.I.Gelman were completed. Read more…
FEB RAS YouTube channel presents a cycle of lectures “Archaeology of the Nomadic Empires” (in Russian) by Professor Nikolay N. Kradin, the Director of the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography FEB RAS, Corresponding Member of the RAS. Read more…