“Primorye in the Holocene: Dynamics of Cultural Processes within the Framework of Archaeology of East Asia” (Supervisor Dr. Klyuev N.A.).
“Dynamics of fishery of the inhabitants of Primorye in the Middle Holocene (the Neolithic Period – the Paleometal Period – the Middle Ages): Ecology, Technology, Adaptation” (Supervisor: Dr.Sc. Vostretsov Yu.E.).
Content of Work
Comparative analysis of archaeological complexes of the cultures of the Neolithic Period and the Paleometal Period in Primorye.
Analysis of directions and the nature of the contacts of population migration in Primorye in the Neolithic and Paleometal Periods.
Research on material culture and economy of the ancient population of the region: ceramics manufacture, agriculture, collecting, typology of settlements.
Comparative analysis of transformation of main life support systems of coastal population groups in various areas of Peter the Great Bay as a result of natural changes in the Neolithic Period, the Paleometal Period and in the Middle Ages.
Planned Results of Work Performance
Identification of cultural and historical contacts of Neolithic cultures of continental Primorye.
Evaluation of tendencies of the development of ceramics in the Late Neolithic Period in Primorye.
Identification of main peculiarities of agriculture and collecting of wild plants by the representatives of the Yankovskaya archaeological culture in the Early Iron Age. Correlation of types of constructions and internal hierarchy of the settlements in the Neolithic and Paleometal Periods.
Reconstruction of circannian cycles of life support of the coastal groups of the population of Peter the Great Bay in the Neolithic Period, the Paleometal Period and in the Middle Ages.
Determination of the main species composition of fish caught by medieval inhabitants of Primorye and fishery changes as a result of environmental change.
Nikolay A. Klyuev – Dr., Head of Department (Curriculum vitæ)
Yuriy E. Vostretsov – Dr.Sc., Professor Research Fellow (Curriculum vitæ)