The Laboratory of Archaeology of Priamurie was created by the decision of the Scientific Council on March 4, 1994. In 2018, the staff consists of 5 people: one Doctor of Science, two Doctors, one Laboratory Assistant and one Postgraduate Student.
The research is conducted as part of the state subject of the Department of Archaeology: “Archaeology and the History of the South of the Russian Far East and Contiguous Zones of Asia in Ancient Times and in the Middles Ages.” Registration Number 01201152560.
The subject of the laboratory: “Correlation and Genesis of Archaeological Cultures of the North Pacific (from the Paleometal Period until the Late Middle Ages).” Supervisor – Dr.Sc., Prof. O.V. Dyakova.
The main objective of research is to study the cultural heritage of the population of the North Pacific in ancient times and in the Middle Ages.
The main issue – development of ethnocultural relations of the population of the North Pacific in the Early Metal Age and in the Middle Ages, detection of the formation of Paleo-Asiatic and Tungusic ethnic groups according to archaeological data, correlation and synchronization of archaeological cultures of the Far East, history and archaeology of medieval Tungusic states.