On May 18, 2012 a round-table meeting on “China factor in the development of Pacific Russia in the early 21st century” was held in the conference hall of the Institute. The objective of the meeting was to define the position and role of China in the development of Pacific Russia at the contemporary period.
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A new collection of reports titled “Political Confidence and Security Building in Northeast Asia” edited by professor Victor Larin, has been published in the Institute of history FEB RAS. You can download it here.
On April 24, 2012, The delegation from the Shanghai Academy of International Researches headed by President Prof. Yong Jiemian, visited the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography, FEB RAS.
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A new book titled “Pacific Russia in the Context of Foreign Policy and International Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region at the beginning of the XXI Century” ,written by Victor Larin, has been published. You may view the title of the book and information on it in the section “Recent Publications” (Russian only) of our website.